The department of neurology is engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of various types of acute and chronic diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system. In general, the nervous system provides the joint activity of individual organs of the body. Therefore, the health of the nervous system is very important. Thus, any change in the nervous system, the disease has a serious impact on the health of the whole organism.
Treatment of neurological diseases also has a positive effect on other diseases in the body. Since most neurological diseases are chronic, timely detection of these diseases is possible with a CHEK-Up examination.
The following symptoms can be observed in neurological diseases:
- Various types of headaches,
- dizziness,
- speech disorders,
- difficulty breathing and swallowing,
- impaired vision and hearing,
- tinnitus,
- irritability,
- distraction,
- memory impairment, sleep and mood disorders,
- convulsions: nausea, vomiting, chills feeling of goosebumps,
- muscle pain, spasms, weakness,
- imbalance,
- urinary, fecal incontinence,
- emotional disorders, etc.
In addition to clinical signs, instrumental examinations are needed for accurate diagnosis of neurological diseases:
- Electroencephalography (EEG)
- Electroneuromyography-ENMG
- KT
- MRI Silent Scan-Magnetic Resonance Imaging
It is a method of examining the brain and spinal cord. Silent Scan MRI, as the new technology, allows you to minimize the noise level, which is a concern for neurological patients.